Notice of Filming
July 26 2012
To The Communities in the Vicinity of Strathcona Park and Highway 28.
Means of Productions, Inc. has received filming permits from the Ministry of Transport and BC Parks, along with local Agencies, in order to complete one day of filming in the area for RAM 2013 Light Duty Trucks. This notice is to inform your of our work schedule, and how this may effect your daily routine.
On Friday, August 3rd, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. & 13:00 hours, we will film from a helicopter…along the Westmin Mine roadway and across the bridge…and along the roadway for another kilometer north.
An area of approximately three kilometers that include Marblerock Canyon viewpoint as the centre piece.
A third area approximately 6 kilometers, from the 28 turnoff, and again for approximately three kilometers, that’s another six kilometers north of the Marblerock Canyon stretch.
A local Traffic Control company will provide both the travel public and the filming crew safe passage at all times while we’re working along the roadways, and there will be intermittent traffic lock-up throughout the window of filming.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our work schedule, please feel free to get in touch with me, and thank you in advance for supporting the Film Community in British Columbia.
Mel Weisbaum
Location Manager
Means of Production, Inc.
M: (604) 802-3172